Shortcuts for using the model info tree to speed up preprocessing time

Model Info Tree Shortcuts


Long lists of entities like Materials or Properties are easier to navigate using the Model Info entity scrolling capability.


Please follow these step-by-step instructions:
  1. You can set the maximum number of entities to display in File / Preferences; in the Model Info section of the User Interface tab you can specify Max Entities.
    UI preferences
  2. In the Model Info tree, if the number of entities of a particular type exceeds the Max Entities value, then Previous and Next entries will appear at the top and bottom of that branch of the tree.
  3. You can Click on Next or Previous to scroll through the list of entities like properties or materials. You can also use Control and Shift with the middle mouse wheel to move to the next defined selection or visible selection, and Control and Shift together to move right to the bottom or top of the list.
  4. Also in the Model Info tree you can quickly set up load and constraint sets using the Copy To Set and Move To Set commands which can be accessed by right-clicking on Load Definitions.
    copy to set

    copy to load set

Video Demonstration

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