License Help
Server_id Feature Bug for STAR-CCM+ and HEEDS
There is a known bug in Simcenter STAR-CCM+ when both HEEDS and Simcenter STAR-CCM+ licenses are loaded in saltd (Siemens License Server). The server_id feature, which comes from the Common Licensing Toolkit (CLT), is included in all license files. ...
HEEDS Licensing and Installation Guide
HEEDS is a powerful design space exploration and optimization software that interfaces with CAD and CAE tools to drive product innovation. This article will guide you through the process of setting up the software, divided into two parts. Part 1: ...
Creating the CDLMD_LICENSE_FILE Environment Variable
Often, STAR-CCM+ displays an error message regarding a missing environment variable, as shown below: License build date: DD/MM/YYYY This version of the code requires license version 20XX.XX or greater. Licensing problem: Unable to find a path to any ...
Simcenter STAR-CCM+ License Server Change Request
Changing your STAR-CCM+ license to a new server will require you to complete, sign, and return a server change request form. Please submit a support ticket for the form. You will need the following information from the old and new license server ...
Simcenter STAR-CCM+ Custom Installation using Siemens License Server
Follow these step-by-step instructions to download Simcenter STAR-CCM+ with the new Siemens License Server: Install and setup Siemens License Server (saltd vendor daemon). Download the latest version of STAR-CCM+. Launch the installer. Review and ...
How do I download Simcenter STAR-CCM+?
Please follow these step-by-step instructions to download Simcenter STAR-CCM+: Login to the Siemens Support Center. Create an account if necessary. Select Simcenter STAR-CCM+ Click Downloads. Select the version you wish to download. It is highly ...
Connecting a Local Instance of STAR-CCM+ to a Remote License Server
Overview This article describes how to connect an instance of STAR-CCM+ on your local machine to a remote license server. This is a common occurrence if you use your local workstation for pre and post processing, while solving on a remote cluster or ...
STAR-CCM+ License Server Troubleshooting Guide
Troubleshooting Steps A common issue when installing and setting up STAR-CCM+ is connecting to the license server. Please check the following items when troubleshooting: Verify your license file is configured correctly, as discussed in this article ...
Installing your STAR-CCM+ license for the first time
When you are installing STAR-CCM+ for the first time you will receive a license file with the name “License_cdlmd.txt”. Note, the license will be named “license.dat” if you download it from the Siemens license administration tab. The server line of ...