Post Buckling Behavior Analysis in Femap using NX Nastran Advanced Nonlinear
What is Advanced Nonlinear Advanced Nonlinear is an add-on solver to the basic FEMAP suite of tools. It does not come standard but is an added package that you can buy. It runs the ADINA Solver through NASTRAN. You can find it in the FEMAP Analysis ...
Manipulating Geometry and Meshing in FEMAP
This tutorial demonstrates how quickly FEMAP can modify geometry and create finite element models using the Meshing Toolbox, and Mid-surfacing and Non-Manifold Add tools Tutorial Overview This demonstration will show how quickly FEMAP can modify ...
5 Tools to Reduce Time Between Your CAD Model and FE Model
Creating a finite element model is one of the most time consuming processes in finite element analysis. Using CAD geometry as the basis of your model is a huge time saver, but cleaning the geometry can take forever. Thankfully there are tools that ...
A Comprehensive Introduction to Femap Application Programming Interface (API)
What is the Femap Application Programming Interface (API)? The Femap API is a means to programmatically call Femap functions from within Femap or another programming environment. The code is an object-oriented code written in Visual Basic for ...
Submodeling (Breakout Models) in FEA
What is a Breakout Model? A breakout model is an analysis model created to represent a portion of a large structure in order to get more specific information. NOTE: Breakout models are a term used in the Femap community, but they are also commonly ...
Part 6 - Automation
In this section we'll look at using program files and APIs to accelerate repetitive tasks, or handle custom requirements in your particular workflow. Also remember that we have free webinars and tutorials on our Webinar and YouTube pages. <- Back to ...
Part 5 - Postprocessing
Introduction In the previous step we meshed the geometry to create the finite element model of the machined arm component. Then set up the analysis parameters and output requests for the NX Nastran solver. In this step we'll review the results ...
Part 4 - Meshing and Analysis Preparation
Introduction Welcome to the introduction to FEMAP video series. In the previous video we set up the material and element properties on the machined arm components and defined loads and boundary conditions. In this video we will continue the ...
Part 3 - Preprocessing
Introduction In previous section we started the simulation process on a machined arm component, and imported and cleaned up the CAD data. In this section, we will continue the simulation process and define materials, element properties, and boundary ...
Part 1 - Femap User Interface
Introduction Before we begin our analysis, let's get familiar with Femap’s user interface. User Interface We’ll look at the main components of the user interface, including the maps command interface, graphics windows, and tabbed and dockable panes. ...
Part 2 - Geometry Preparation and Clean-up
Overview Femap is CAD neutral and can access CAD data from just about any source. It supports all major commercial CAD programs and data formats and kept up to date with the latest CAD product versions. Furthermore, Femap’s modeling engine is based ...
Getting Started with Femap
Welcome to the Getting Started with Femap tutorial series In this tutorial, we'll use Femap to go through the steps of creating and setting up a finite element model, analyzing it with NX Nastran, and reviewing the results. Why did we create this ...