Toggle Entity Visibility using the Select Toolbar

Toggle Entity Visibility using the Select Toolbar


For large models with tens, hundreds or even thousands of solids, materials and or properties, the selection of a subset of those entities for display is made easy using the Select  toolbar.

      Femap selector toolbar

Selector Entity

The  Selector Entity  pulldown menu sets the entity type you want to control visibility.

      entity visibility using the select toolbar femap

Selector Mode

Once you select the entity type you want to toggle the display of, the  Selector Mode  menu allows you to  Add To Selection  or  Remove From Selection . Selection modes that can be set in the Femap Graphics pane such as pick  Front Select All Inside Show Tooltips  and show  Layers/Groups in Tooltips  are accessible from this pull‐down menu.

You can also switch from  Select Single Item  (Femap’s default) to  Select Multiple . When you enable  Select Related , any entity related to a selected entity is automatically included in the Selection List and the option for  Select Multiple  is automatically enabled.


Selector Actions

The  Selector Actions  pulldown menu gives access to selection methods accessible normally through a selection dialog box when the  Select Multiple  option is enabled as the  Selector Mode .



When the  Selector Mode  is set to  Select Single , only the  Load Group  option is available before an entity is selected.

When the  Selector Mode  is set to  Select Multiple , selected entities are maintained in the  Model Info  pane’s  Selection List  object tree until the selection list is cleared.

Once you select an entity or entities, the right‐click action in the  Model Info  pane opens a context‐ sensitive menu for the entity type set with the  Selector Entity  menu. The  Visibility  menu allows has the same options for toggling visibility as the  Visibility Toggle  check boxes in the  Model Info  pane.

      Selector entity visibility femap

Once you have the entity or entities selected and visibility set for these entities, simply click the  Selector   Entity  icon and the selector is toggled off.
For more details on the Select toolbar, see Section of the Femap Commands manual.

Video Demonstration


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