Allocating CPU Resources on Compute Server
Is there a way to assign cpu cores to a STAR-CCM+ job such that multiple job submissions do not overlap core assignment, or manually assign cpu cores for a session?
CPU binding constrains a simulation to run only on a particular set of CPUs or cores, and not to migrate to other cores during the life of the simulation. This can be implemented by disabling -cpubind (command -cpubind v,off) option on both jobs which enables maximum cpu usage of both jobs.
Verify CPU Assignment
The starccm+ command can start the Simcenter STAR-CCM+ client:
[options] [simulation]
or server process:
starccm+ -server [options] simulations
Use the batch command argument -printpids to print the process compute node, CPU
rank, and associated process ID, as shown in the below example.
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