ADINA Structures TRANSOR for Femap Menu: Nonlinear Solutions Settings

ADINA Structures TRANSOR for Femap Menu: Nonlinear Solutions Settings

ADINA Structures Nonlinear Solution Settings

Access the Nonlinear Solution Settings menu as shown below.

Access ADINA Structures Nonlinear Solution Settings Menu

This menu is used to set various options for the nonlinear iteration scheme and convergence criteria.  The default settings should be sufficient for problems that contain only minor nonlinearities.  These settings will generally become more relevant and useful as the severity of nonlinearities increases.  If the solution is struggling to converge, one option is to decrease the time incremet, but also the maximum number of nonlinear iterations per time step can be increased on this menu.  Additionally, the line search algorithm can be activated, which very simply increases the fidelity of the nonlinear iteration scheme.  The solution will have a better chance at convergence, but may take longer to iterate.  Another option to aid convergence is to increase the convergence tolerance from the default settings.

ADINA Structures Nonlinear Solution Settings Menu

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